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Showing posts from May, 2007

Forex Trading - The Biggest 6 Mistakes That See 90% Of Traders Lose

by Sacha Tarkovsky The mistakes below are common amongst novice traders and ensure 90% of them lose and lose quickly - while novice traders make these mistakes so do experienced traders. If you make them, you will lose so avoid them and increase your chances of success dramatically. Here they are all ways guaranteed to lose you money. 1. You Can Buy Success Many traders think trading is easy and they can buy success in forex trading for a few hundred dollars - major mistake! Most forex education sold on the net is sold by marketing companies or failed brokers and simply doesn't work - if it did it would not be sold. There is some forex education you can buy that's good and the best way to ensure it is worthwhile is only accept the proof: A real time track record of profits no hypothetical simulations! To follow a trading method you will need to understand how and why the logic works - if you follow it without understanding it, you will not have the confid...

Forex Trading - a Beginner's Guide

by Trevor Kinden No matter how hard it is to believe, but the fact is that the global forex trading market is far more lucrative than the equity market. The foreign exchange market is a place where currencies of different countries are bought and sold. The market is operational from 1970 when the concept of floating currencies and free exchange rates were introduced. Though not as widely publicized as the equity market, the total value of global forex trading market goes far beyond $2 trillion daily. For more details, you can visit . One reason this market is so lucrative is that it is working all day and night. The market is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week meaning those who want to trade can do so any time they want to unlike other markets that have restricting hours. Secondly, in stock trading, you can trade with either the money you have or at best with double leverage if you open a margin account. But in forex trading, you can ob...

What Everybody Ought to Know About Online FOREX Trading

by Sharon Foreign Exchange is an international foreign exchange market, where money is sold and bought freely or put it simply it is the purchase or sale of a currency against sale or purchase of another. The foreign exchange market (FOREX) is also known as FX. All three of these have the same meaning, which is the trade of trading between different companies, banks, businesses, and governments that are located in different countries. The financial market is one that is always changing leaving transactions required to be completed through brokers, and banks. Many scams have been emerging in the FOREX business, as foreign companies and people are setting up online to take advantage of people who don't realize that foreign trade must take place through a broker or a company with direct participation involved in foreign exchanges. Cash, stocks, and currency is traded through the foreign exchange markets. The FOREX market will be present and exist when one currency is t...

FOREX Trading - One Way of Making Money

by Trevor Kinden The largest exchange market worldwide is represented by Foreign Exchange. The availability of the Internet and the explosion of its technology, as well as the possibility to make quick profits have turned FOREX trading into a very popular way of investing. However, it takes knowledge on the part of the trader regarding the currency traded and the venue. In fact this condition is applicable to any securities market. FOREX trading is a form of day trading, which specializes in opening and closing market positions, or buying and selling securities in the same day. This type of trading allows high margins, which means that investors can have small amounts of actual cash, but they can control large amounts of currency. This, in its turn can lead to either huge profits or huge losses. The possible financial loss must never be excluded by a FOREX trader. FOREX trading comes with attractive and unique investing opportunities. This variety is one of the reason...

Benefits of Trading Forex

Benefits of Trading Forex Here are some advantages of trading Forex: Liquidity. Forex is by far the most liquid financial market in the world with nearly 2 trillion dollars traded everyday. This ensures price stability, and you will always be able to open and close transactions. Also it is hard to manipulate the market in a extended manner. 24hr Market. The market opens on Sunday at 3:00 pm EST when New Zealand begins operations, and closes on Friday at 5:00 pm EST when San Francisco terminates operations. There are transactions in practically every time zone, allowing active traders to choose at what time to trade. Leverage trading. Trading the Forex Market offers a greater buying power than many other markets. Some Forex brokers offer leverage up to 400:1, allowing traders to have only 0.25% in margin of the total investment. For instance, a trader using 100:1 means that to have a US$100,000 position, only US$1,000 are needed on margin to be able to open th...

Main Drawbacks of Forex Traders

Main Drawbacks of Forex Traders from: Why is it that very few traders succeed in the Forex trading environment while the grand majority of traders fail to achieve success? There is no hard answer to this question, there are a few things that will put you one step ahead and will definitely put the odds in your favor. The main purpose of this article is to guide you through some important aspects of Forex trading. But in a different way, instead of telling you what to do or the best way to do it, it will tell you what to avoid. Sometimes it is better to identify the main drawbacks on a discipline and then isolate them so we have the best results at a certain level of development. The Holy Grail Many traders spend years and years trying to find the Holy Grail of trading. That magic indicator or set of indicators, only known by a few traders, that will make them rich in a short period of time. Fact: Well, there is no magic indicator, nor ...

Forex Trading: Mistakes in a Trading Environment

Forex Trading: Mistakes in a Trading Environment From: When it comes to trading, one of the most neglected subjects are those dealing with trading psychology. Most traders spend days, months and even years trying to find the right system. But having a system is just part of the game. Don't get us wrong, it is very important to have a system that perfectly suits the trader, but it is as important as having a money management plan, or to understand all psychology barriers that may affect the trader decisions and other issues. In order to succeed in this business, there must be equilibrium between all important aspects of trading. In the trading environment, when you lose a trade, what is the first idea that pops up in your mind? It would probably be, “There must be something wrong with my system”, or “I knew it, I shouldn't have taken this trade” (even when your system signaled it). But sometimes we need to dig a little deeper in order to see the nature of ...

Trading Foreign Exchange the Black Box Way

Trading Foreign Exchange the Black Box Way By: Justin Gunther There’s an ongoing debate among financial experts about the determinants of portfolio returns. Some maintain that asset allocation accounts for up to 90 percent of long-term gains. Others are convinced that low costs are the magic bullet. Probably the best course of action is to keep your eye on both. What this means is that investors with a high, or even moderate, tolerance for risk might consider allocating a tiny portion of their portfolio to commodities, including foreign exchange, commonly called forex. Indeed, lackluster returns in the fixed income and equity markets over the past few years have sent investors in search of alternative investments like real estate and commodities. So not surprisingly, experts in foreign exchange trading have stepped up the marketing of their wares to savvy and neophyte investors alike. Among these experts are forex black box traders. These professionals have a proven track record of suc...

Factors Involved In Becoming A Successful Forex Trader.

Factors Involved In Becoming A Successful Forex Trader. By: Nathan Young These days everyone is talking about Forex trading and the great opportunity this activity represents for people willing to brake free from the corporate world and start working from home or any where else without losing their current lifestyle and even improving it. Forex trading has changed dramatically in the last 10 years thanks to the technological advancements of the internet era. With real-time streaming technology and faster and more efficient computer systems, almost anything, from roses to FX trading, is available at the click of a button. Some of the great reasons why Forex trading is a great way of entering the capital markets is that your trades are all commission-free and it has a low transaction cost. All the best forex brokers have these characteristics and even Mini FX traders (i.e., traders starting with accounts having a capital as low as $250), who are just starting in this field, can buy and s...

Why Technical Analysis Works Well In The Forex Market

Why Technical Analysis Works Well In The Forex Market By: Dusty Blackwell If you are considering currency trading in the Forex market, or you are already involved in Forex currency trading, here's a money-making lesson that we can borrow from investors who use technical analysis to help them make investment decisions in the stock market. The goal of performing technical analysis when currency trading is to predict profitable currency pair movements by analyzing price trends. The principles of technical analysis in the equity markets are the same as those in the Forex currency trading markets. In fact, the only real difference between the two is that the Forex market is open 24 hours a day while the equity markets are not. This means that certain analytics that take time periods in consideration will need to be adjusted for Forex currency trading. Other than that, any of these common forms of equity technical analysis methodologies can be used when currency trading: Elliott Waves --...

Margin In Forex Trading

Margin In Forex Trading By: What is Margin? Margin is the amount of equity that must be maintained in a trading account to keep a position open. It acts as a good faith deposit by the trader to ensure against trading losses. A margin account allows customers to open positions with higher value than the amount of funds they have deposited in their account. Trading a margin account is also described as trading on a leveraged basis. Most online forex firms offer up to 200 times leverage on a mini contract account. The mini contract size is usually 10,000 currency unit, 1/200th of 10,000 equals to 50 currency unit, meaning only 0.5% margin is required for open positions. Compare to future contracts, which require 10% margin for most contracts, and equities require 50% margin to the average investor and 10% margin to the professional equity traders, foreign exchange market offers the highest leverage among the other trading instruments. The equity in excess of the ...

Where to find a Forex broker dealer

Where to find a Forex broker dealer By: Kenneth Langlet You can find a Forex broker dealer online or offline. The only Forex broker dealers you will find in your own areas will be banks and large companies who offer foreign investing. Most smaller dealers and brokers are not going to offer foreign investing, as they don’t have the best connections to do so. A Forex broker investor can be found online, easier than offline. To find a Forex broker dealer online you want to use the links on this page to take you to well known brokers or you can also use the links on this page to search the web to find additional broker of Forex trades. Brokers of Forex trading will be interested in telling you all about where you can invest money now, tomorrow and where the hottest investments are. We advise you to investigate and learn about any company where your are planning on working with a broker of foreign exchange before putting your hard earned money out there. You need to realize there ar...

What is a Forex Broker?

What is a Forex Broker? By: Kenneth Langlet Forex brokers are going to give you all types of information and advice about where you can invest and how you can invest with foreign companies. Forex systems are not available through all types of commercial investing companies but you can find a few Forex brokers in most all areas of the world. Forex brokers are found in large commercial investing firms, in most larger banks, and now with the help of the internet you can find many Forex brokers online. Use a Forex broker if you want to learn more about how to invest, where to invest, and how much money you need to invest in a Forex system right now. Forex brokers are going to tell you what the minimums are. In some cases, you can invest as little as five dollars to open a Forex trading account. In some areas, and for some investment companies you must invest a minimum of $200 or even $500. It is important to remember that every investment firm is different, and will have set minimums...

Forex Currency Trading, A Great Work At Home Opportunity.

Forex Currency Trading, A Great Work At Home Opportunity. By: Nathan Young Everyday more and more people looking for a work at home opportunity and the possibility of braking free from the corporate world without losing their current lifestyle and even improving it, realize that the world of forex currency trading could be the answer to what they have been looking for. Some of the great reasons why FOREX trading is such a great way of entering the capital markets are; it's easy accessibility thanks to the widespread use of the internet, the fact that currency trading is all commission-free and also the low transaction costs involved. All the best forex brokers will facilitate you a trading account with these characteristics and even Mini Forex traders (i.e., traders starting with accounts having a capital as low as $250), who are just starting in this field, can buy and sell currencies online always commission-free. When trading the forex markets you don't have to worry everyda...

The Basics Of Forex Trading

The Basics Of Forex Trading By: Gabriel Adams Forex Trading, also known as FX Trading or Foreign Exchange Trading, is what happens when you trade one nation's currency for another. For example, if I go to the bank and exchange ten United States dollars for 15 Australian dollars, I have completed a simple Forex trade. The forex trading market is the largest trading market in the world. According to a study done in 2004, approximately two trillion dollars are traded each day in markets across the globe. The forex trading market is very unique in several aspects, one of which is its international presence. Unlike the stock exchange, which is largely located in New York and has set hours, the foreign exchange market is open twenty four hours a day. In between the united states, European, Asian, and other markets, there is always at least one market open. Other factors that make the forex market unique are the high liquidity of the market, the wide variety of traders and ins...

Forex In One, Two, Three And Four Easy Steps

Forex In One, Two, Three And Four Easy Steps By: Kevin Anderson Number 1. CONCEPT. Forex traders should know by now that the forex trading market is about trying to make big out of something small. This is in terms of earning big profits through smaller risks. Nobody is forex can control how this giant market is moving. Besides they would not start to understand it in the first place because the forex market is really really complicated and ever-changing. People remain in the forex trading industry because they thought that the probability of making profit is bigger than the probability of getting losses. This thinking would have proven effective if the trader is aware that they need to execute stop lost in this concept. Really understanding this point in the course of the transaction and relying on the forex traders’ own initiative rules and discipline will surely prevent losses from happening. Number 2. STOP LOSS AND TAKE PROFIT POINT . Many of the forex traders not using th...

History And Recent Trend Of Online FX Market

History And Recent Trend Of Online FX Market By: The recently technology advancement has broken down the barriers that used to stand between retail clients of FX market and the inter-bank market. The online forex trading revolution was originated in the late 90's, which opened its doors to retail clients by connecting the market makers to the end users. With the high-speed Internet access and powerful central processing unit, the online trading platform at home user's personal computer now serves as a gateway to the liquid FX market. Retail clients can now trade together with the biggest banks in the world , with similar pricing and execution. What used to be a game dominated and controlled by major inter-banks is becoming a common field where individuals can take the same opportunities as big banks do. Technology breakthroughs not only changed the accessibility of the FX market, they also changed the way of how trading decisions were made. Research showed...

Introduction To Forex Market

Introduction To Forex Market By: The Foreign Exchange (often abbreviated as Forex or FX) market is the largest market in the world with daily trading volume of over 1.9 $trillion in September 2004*. With its high liquidity, low transaction cost and low entry barrier, the 24-hour market has attracted investors around the world. The following articles aim to introduce the key concepts in forex trading, the terminologies and the characteristics of the FX market. The articles first introduced the concept 'spread', which is the most important transaction cost in forex trading, how the spread is presented in the price quotes, what is the significance of it and what is the trick behind it. As most of the retail customers choose to trade forex with margin account, the articles then introduced what is margin trading, what is the significance of margin, how to trade a margin account and how to choose the correct leverage ratio. In trading online forex, there are...